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Re: some IANA registrations look like repertoires not charsets?

--On fredag, august 30, 2002 10:59:40 +0900 Martin Duerst <duerst@w3.org> 

> The problem with this registration is not that it isn't a 'charset',
> it's rather that IETF allowed such a registration and the accompaining
> RFC to go through, though 1) even the author says that he discourages
> use of his definitions, 2) nobody else was/is really interested, and
> 3) having one of the clearest opponents of ISO 106464 squat on the
> label 'ISO-10646' is highly problematic.
> But maybe that was the easiest way to deal with a well-known
> troublemaker.

I think you have adequately understood the reasoning (1995) behind the 

It's no accident that the rules for charset registration in RFC 2278 (1998) 
contain considerably more ability to say "no" than the early documents 
describing the registry.
