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Re: Comments on draft-yergeau-rfc2279bis-00.txt

On Thursday, September 19, 2002, at 06:49 AM, Francois Yergeau wrote:

> I think I have covered most outstanding comments, with the notable
> exception of the BOM issue raised by Martin Dürst. This one is neither
> trivial nor uncontroversial, and I have not seen anything ressembling a
> consensus, so it remains open (no changes to the draft).

[2 weeks have passed again, and I have not seen any comments on this 
list on this]

If anyone agree with Martin changes and text about the BOM issue _IS_ 
needed, let me know no later from one week from now (i.e. october 9). 
If I don't see anyone screaming, I declare consensus for this draft, 
and I'll take over from here.

     Thanks to all of you for all help!
