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Re: Comments on draft-yergeau-rfc2279bis-00.txt

At 15:35 02/10/03 +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
>Martin Duerst <duerst@w3.org> writes:

> > Therefore, senders SHOULD NOT use the BOM in larger, usually
> > labeled, pieces of text (e.g. MIME entities), and MUST NOT
> > use it in smaller protocol elements (usually with a fixed
> > encoding). Receivers SHOULD recognize and remove the BOM
> > in larger, usually labeled, pieces of text (e.g. MIME entities).
>This still says that implementations should support BOM, which I think
>is bad practice.  If I were to follow this practice in a MUA I would
>break digital signatures on UTF-8 data.  How about changing the last
>sentence into the following:
>   Receivers MAY recognize and remove the BOM in larger, usually
>   labeled, pieces of text (e.g. MIME entities), if it requires
>   compability with software that generates it.  Care should be taken
>   to not remove BOM in data that must be preserved correctly (such as
>   digitally signed data).

I think this is fine.     Regards,   Martin.