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IANA Charset MIB v02 (10 Feb 2002)

Copies: Printer MIB Working Group <pmp@pwg.org>
        IETF Charsets <ietf-charsets@iana.org>
        Bert Wijnen <bwijnen@lucent.com>
        Ned Freed <ned.freed@mrochek.com>
        Patrik Faltstrom <paf@cisco.com>
        Ron Bergman <rbergma@hitachi-hkis.com>
        Harry Lewis <harryl@us.ibm.com>
        Ira McDonald <imcdonald@sharplabs.com>

Hi folks,                                      Monday (10 February 2003)

I've just sent a revised version of 'IANA Charset MIB' to the
Internet-Drafts editor and posted a copy on the PWG server in the
directory 'ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/pmp/drafts/' in the files:

    <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-02.txt> - IETF-style plaintext
    <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-02.htm> - HTML w/ live TOC
    <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-02.pdf> - PDF w/ live TOC

This IANA Charset MIB is required for compilation of the Printer MIB v2
<draft-ietf-printmib-mib-info-14.txt>, published separately.

This IANA Charset MIB was developed at the suggestion of Bert Wijnen.

- Ira McDonald (editor of IANA Charset MIB)
  High North Inc

PS - This IANA Charset MIB is now ready for IETF 'last call'.

PPS - See complete Change Log below.


Copies: Internet Drafts Editor <internet-drafts@ietf.org>
        Ron Bergman <rbergma@hitachi-hkis.com>
        Harry Lewis <harryl@us.ibm.com>
        Ira McDonald <imcdonald@sharplabs.com>

I-D Editor,                                    Monday (10 February 2003)

Please place this document in the Internet-Drafts repository named:


It replaces the previous draft named:


This document is required for compilation of the Printer MIB v2
<draft-ietf-printmib-mib-info-14.txt>, published separately.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) 
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   This IANA Charset MIB is [intended to become] an IANA registry.  In
   particular, a single textual convention 'IANACharset' is defined that
   may be used to specify charset labels in MIB objects.  'IANACharset'
   was extracted from Printer MIB v2 (work-in-progress).  'IANACharset'
   was originally defined (and mis-named) as 'CodedCharSet' in Printer
   MIB v1 (RFC 1759).  A tool has been written in C, that may be used by
   IANA to regenerate this IANA Charset MIB, when future charsets are in
   accordance with the IANA Charset Registration Procedures (RFC 2978).

Thanks very much,
- Ira McDonald (editor of IANA Charset MIB)
  High North Inc

14.  Appendix X - Change Log

   [[RFC Editor - delete this section before publication as an RFC]]

   <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-02.txt> (10 February 2003)
   * Added section 1.2 'Charset Terminology', for clarity.
   * Replaced section 2 'The Internet-Standard Management Framework'
     with new MIB boilerplate, per request of Bert Wijnen.
   * Revised section 5 'IANA Considerations', to clarify that IANA MAY
     use the supplied IANA Charset MIB generation tool, or any other
   * Added section 6 'Intellectual Property', per request of Bert
   * Replaced section 8 'Security Considerations' with new text, written
     by Bert Wijnen.
   * Revised section 10 'Normative References' and section 11
     'Informative References' to correct SNMPv3 references to RFC
     3410/3411, per request of Bert Wijnen.
   * Added section 14 'Appendix X - Change Log', to be deleted before
     publication as an RFC.
   * Revised MODULE-IDENTITY in IANA Charset MIB template file, renaming
     from 'ianaCharset' to 'ianaCharsetMIB', revising DESCRIPTION clause
     to add MIB copyright, revising REVISION clause to state that the
     MIB was machine generated from the IANA Charset Registry (with
     durable URL), and changing OID from 'mib-2 999' to 'mib-2 nnn', per
     request of Bert Wijnen.

   <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-01.txt> (8 October 2002)
   * Revised Abstract and Introduction, to clarify that IANA MAY use the
     supplied IANA Charset MIB generation tool, or any other method.
   * Revised MODULE-IDENTITY in IANA Charset MIB template file to add
     full IANA address to CONTACT-INFO clause and expanded DESCRIPTION
   * Renamed textual convention from CodedCharSet (an inaccurate name)
     to IANACharset, per request of David Hopwood.

   <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-00.txt> (5 August 2002)
   * Initial version, extracted from Printer MIB v2, at the suggestion
     of Bert Wijnen, with the concurrence (by email) of Ned Freed and
     Patrik Faltstrom.
   * Released required IANA Charset MIB generation C utility program.