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asmo-708 and csiso2022jp, IANA vs. Microsoft


  Reading through [1] I noticed that Microsoft does not map the same
charset label to the same windows code page for the following two

  "iso-2022-jp"      => 50220
  "csiso2022jp"      => 50221

  "iso-8859-6"       => 28596
  "iso-ir-127"       => 28596
  "iso_8859-6:1987"  => 28596
  "iso_8859-6"       => 28596
  "ecma-114"         => 28596
  "arabic"           => 28596
  "csisolatinarabic" => 28596
  "asmo-708"         => 708

"csiso2022jp" is listed as alias for "iso-2022-jp" as "asmo-708" is
listed as alias for "iso-8859-6". Now the first case is probably not an
issue since Microsoft already uses different windows code pages for
"iso-2022-jp" (50220 and 50222) but the asmo-708 case looks rather odd.
Is there something one should know about asmo-708 or are windows code
pages 28596 and 708 identical?
