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Re: Register EBCDIC Character Set "OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1"

Martin Duerst wrote:
> At 13:25 03/10/24 +0200, Hans Franke wrote:
>> > The three charsets just submitted seem to be different
>> > (otherwise there wouldn't be three separate submissions),
>> > but the introductory text gives no indication of what
>> > the specifics of each of these registrations are, or
>> > how they differ. I suggest that the registration proposals
>> > be updated to give more details to allow readers to
>> > understand what the specifics of each encoding are
>> > without having to check all the details in the encoding
>> > tables.
>> These Codes are EBCDIC equivalents of 8859 Variants
>> OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1 (or EDF041)    -> ISO 8859-1
>> OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15   (EDF04F)    -> ISO 8859-15
>> (The full Name used in OSD tabes is rather EBCDIC.DF.04-F)
> That's what I guessed. The registrations should be
> updated to say so, this helps a lot.

I will update the registrations to add this explanation.

>> OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV  (EDF03IRV)  -> ISO 646
>> (Which is 'Standard' EBCDIC')
> If that's true, then I don't see any reason to register
> this. There is already a registration for EBCDIC, and
> we don't want to register things twice.

No that is not the IBM EBCDIC:
For example 0x15 is LINE FEED in OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV.

> Regards,    Martin.