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Re: Proposal for Addition of New Alias Names to Existing IanaRegistered Character Sets - REPOSTING REQUEST

> The following is a RE-POSTING of a previous request to ietf-charsets.org --
> that got nowhere in its disposition.  I am re-submitting this to the list.
> The original was posted on 29 July 2002.

> Reference:
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-charsets/2002JulSep/0063.html.

> Please advise how to proceed with this request.  I hope this request gets a
> favourable disposition at least this time around.  The previous comments /
> discussion can be linked from the above reference archive link.

The last time this request was posted there was considerably pushback
saying that adding these additional aliases was a bad idea. I continue to
believe this is the case, and I am therefore opposed to making this
