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Re: IANA Character Set Registration Submittal

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:01:21 -0800, Mike Ksar <mikeksar@microsoft.com> wrote:
> What you indicate is missing is not required by IANA in RFC 2978.

I know that many IANA charset registrations are missing lots of data
that is necessary to actually implement a matching converter, but it
is not clear to me that it is ok for future registrations to lack that
data. (See Mark's reply as well.)

Additionally, on more formal grounds:

1. The registration for windows-1252 points to
which is a page with changing contents and no version control. In the
past, the page changed when the Windows roundtrip mapping
0x80<->U+0080 changed to 0x80<->U+20AC for the Euro sign. There is no
way to refer to the old vs. new version of this page or the underlying

2. The registration for windows-932 says
ISO/IEC 10646/Unicode equivalency table:

Neither of these URLs contain equivalency tables for anything.

For a registration to be minimally meaningful, even if it does not
contain all of the data for an actual implementation, it must at least
have a meaningful and stable reference, right?

I only spot-checked these two registrations.


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