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Re: ISO-8859-11 not in the IANA charset list

At 10:48 09/02/2006, Samphan Raruenrom wrote:

>I don't see ISO-8859-11 at http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
> From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8859-11
> > ISO-8859-11 is not a registered IANA charset name dispite
> > following the normal pattern for IANA charsets based on
> > the ISO 8859 series.
>Why ISO-8859-11 is not registered?
>Do someone need to register it?

Yes. We need _every_ existing and even exotic character-set to be 
registered to avoid misunderstanding when having to access texts 
using them, starting with the creation of language identification 
algorithm "teacher files.
Thank you.