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RE: Update of charset windows-1252, draft 2

> Thanks, I propose to remove the sentence about cp1252 
>after waiting a few more days.

I see no problem in having cp1252 as an alias, esp. since
there is already a cp936 alias for a related (same originator
for same set of systems) encoding.

Why aren't all of the legacy MS defined encodings dealt
with in a single batch?

I really would like to see them being treated very similarly:
* similar preferred names/aliases
* similar set of other aliases
* similar mapping references
Anything else would be needlessly arbitrary and surprising.

> And "their APIs" sounds funny when the name at the bottom
> is Mike Ksar from Microsoft. Maybe I'll change it to 'The table
> used with Microsoft's "best fit" APIs has been published'

But I see no reason why that "best fit" file, or mapping APIs,
would need any mention at all in a registration such as this.

	/kent k