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RE: Request for egistration of character set TSCII for TAMIL language

I'm encouraged that this draft is being submitted to aid the migration of Tamil data to Unicode.

To clarify my earlier message, my concern is with the implication of this language:

>> TSCII as an established language encoding is already recognized by 
>> major IT players like the Unicode Consortium, Microsoft, Apple, 
>> Oracle and Sun Microsystems.

Microsoft does not recognize TSCII.  We know it exists, but that's about it.

Other participants in the Unicode Consortium can speak to their products, but this sentence implies that Microsoft products would understand TSCII.  Since Outlook, Vista, etc. do not natively understand TSCII this could confuse our users.
I don't object to the registration of TSCII, I'd just like this reference that implies Microsoft recognizes TSCII to be removed.


- Shawn