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Re: Update of windows 1252

Shawn Steele wrote:

> the lack of a response makes me wonder if it got lost elsewhere somehow.

Archived-At: <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.ietf.charsets/294>

My first thought was "didn't we agree on this months ago ?", but then I
had no time to check the registry.  Doing that now...


...no, apparently it didn't make it yet.  The last change was TSCII
in ftp://ftp.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/index.htm four days ago,

Each IANA registry has its own peculiar rules, here RFC 2978 at 3.2:

| When the two week period has passed and the registration proposer
| is convinced that consensus has been achieved, the registration
| application should be submitted to IANA and the charset reviewer.

As you wrote in your mail two days ago you forgot to formally submit
it, copies to IANA, Martin, and Ned.  Martin + Ned might be redundant,
they're supposed to read the list.  But from IANA you'd get a ticket
number, that's good if you run into procedural troubles.  Ignoring
these details there are now two weeks for Martin + Ned to decide it:

| The charset reviewer must reach a decision and post it to the ietf-
| charsets mailing list within two weeks.  Decisions made by the
| reviewer may be appealed to the IESG.

This split review + registration request model here appears to be
better than the RFC 4646 procedure...  Unless the proponents forget
the actual registration request ;-)
