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RE: windows-874 new registration

> This looks good to go for me.

Same here.


> At 02:26 07/07/04, Shawn Steele wrote:
> >Working on consensus :)  I added "for Thai" to address the concern about
> >the code page's correlation to a language.

> This is irrelevant for the registration, but "for Thai" should be
> taken to mean "for the Thai script", not "for the Thai language".

> Regards,     Martin.

> >I left the usage as "common".  Since this is the CP_ACP for a Thai Windows
> >machine it is quite common.  The is somewhat unrelated to the
> >recommendation that UTF-8 be used instead.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >- Shawn

> #-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
> #-#-#  http://www.sw.it.aoyama.ac.jp       mailto:duerst@it.aoyama.ac.jp