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RE: Indicating charset variants (was: RE: windows 936)

Title: RE: Indicating charset variants (was: RE: windows 936)

>> I agree that a separator like "--" might be best.

I’m concerned about the addition of another layer of names that’s incompatible with the current set of names.  The concept of adding a variation would require changes to all client parsers, and that just isn’t a realistic expectation.  So the net result would be that a few applications emitting variations would create data unrecognizable by the majority of current software.


If there was to be such a huge breaking change in the naming of code pages, the effort in updating the software and legacy data sets would be much better used to migrate to Unicode than to migrate to a different form of the existing code pages.


My thinking is that for the registrations for code pages like 936, it would probably be worth stating that variations of the official code page exist and cause different interpretations on some systems.


- Shawn