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Re: Registering a charset alias

I agree that it would be great to record the "de facto" standard
charset names somewhere. Preferably at IANA, where the "de jure"
charset names are registered.

Normally, IANA does not register charset names that start with "x-",
but since they are accepted by major implementations, it would be nice
if they were recorded somewhere. The "x-" names should probably only
be recommended for input, however. For output, we should strongly
recommend the names without "x-", preferably a single name for each
character encoding.

It would also be great if we could record the actual superset
relationships that major implementations use. For example, when a
document is labelled with the charset gb2312, major implementations
use the "superset" gbk instead.


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Anne van Kesteren<annevk@opera.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if it is possible to register a charset alias. HTML5 currently defines three,
>  x-sjis       windows-31J
>  windows-932  windows-31J
>  x-x-big5     Big5
> and it would be nice if these could instead be in the official registry.
> The reason HTML5 has these is that user agents have long implemented these for compatibility with Web sites.
> --
> Anne van Kesteren
> http://annevankesteren.nl/