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Re: Registering a charset alias

On 08/19/2009 11:26 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> That would be great. The Firefox, Safari and Chrome lists should all
>> be available, since they're open source. Shawn, would Microsoft be
>> willing to publish the latest Windows/IE list of
>> charsets/aliases/supersets?
> I've done the work for Opera:
>    http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Web_Encodings
> As a start for aliases it is not very useful I think since we use the UTS22 rules. Something similar goes for Chromium. I have not checked Safari. From the limited testing on character encoding matching I have done so far I think we want to base the matching algorithm on a combination of what Internet Explorer and Firefox are doing. They are more strict and highly likely to be compatible with the largest body of Web content.
> It would be great if people could help out and create similar tables for the other browsers.

I've created a table for Firefox: 

I'll add this information to http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Web_Encodings 
in the same format that Anne used.