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Re: Registration of new charset CP51932

Thank you for comment,

(2010/04/05 1:11), Ned Freed wrote:
> (In addition to the specific comments I've made below, I think a general
> dicussion of how to handle this whole CP932 mess is probably in order.)

There are two strategies: override or option.
HTML5 uses overrides. They must treat exist documents which are mistakenly
labeled as Shift_JIS or EUC-JP. In those situation people should override.

Otherwise converters, databases, Programing languages added new charset as
an option. Their user can one of them.

IANA Charsets are back-end of libraries, so they should choose option solution.

>> Yes, CP51932 is suitable for use with subtypes of the "text"
>> Content-Type. Note that CP51932 is an multi-octet charset.
>> Care should be taken to choose an appropriate Content-Transfer-Encoding.
> While this is a generally true statement, it doesn't follow from the charset
> being multi-octet. There are multi-octet charsets like iso-2022-jp that
> are 7bit and hence require no special encoding at all, others like utf-8
> are 8bit, and still others like utf-16 require binary.
> I suggest changing this to "Since CP1932 is an 8bit charset Care should be
> taken to choose an appropriate Content-Transfer-Encoding."

I changed it.

>> Published specification(s):
>> Uses ISO 2022 rules to select:
>> code set 0: US-ASCII (a single 7-bit byte set)
>> * 0x5C is U+005C : REVERSE SOLIDUS (YEN SIGN)
> This makes no sense to me. A Reverse Solidus isn't a Yen sign.

In JIS X 0201 (Japanese version of ISO 646), 0x5C is YEN SIGN,
and Shift_JIS's 7bit area is JIS X 0201.
But on the context of conversion to Unicode,
on convertion the source code of C Language or BASIC or something
0x5C -> U+00A5 conversion breaks it meaning: escape character.
So Microsoft treat 0x5C of Windows Codepage 932 as REVERSE SOLIDUS,
but its glyph is YEN SIGN (bundled font is hacked that U+005C's glyph
is YEN SIGN, like MS Gothic).

"When is a backslash not a backslash?"

I mentioned it in this, but it should be described in Additional

>> * 0x7E is U+007E : TILDE
> AFAIK 0x7E is a tilde in US-ASCII, so why are you calling this out?

JIS X 0201's 0x7E is OVERLINE, I made clear it.

>> code set 1: Microsoft Standard Character Set (a double 8-bit byte set)
> Which Microsoft standard character set? I assume it's CP932, but this needs to
> be stated explicitly.
>> * JIS X 0208-1983
>> * NEC special characters (Row 13)
>> * NEC selection of IBM extensions (Rows 89 to 92)
>> code set 2: Halfwidth Katakana (a single 7-bit byte set)
>> JIS X 0201-1976
>> requiring SS2 as the character prefix
> You're approaching this backwards, which is unfortunately a pretty common
> problem with these ISO 2022-based charsets, including some existing
> registratons.
> Charsets are mappings from octets to characters and should be specified
> as such. What you're doing here is using the ISO approach, which defines
> things in terms of one or more coded character sets and then describes how
> to encode them using a character encoding scheme.
> I suggest that this be flipped around, to say something like:
> Octets with the high bit clear specify single US-ASCII characters, while
> octets with the high bit set encode characters from the Microsoft Coded
> Character Set 932 by combining the bits from the two octets ...
> the problem with the ISO 2022 approach is that once you say you're using ISO
> 2022 you then have to profile what parts of ISO 2022 are allowed. ISO 2022 in
> full generality is extremeply complex and essentially nobody supports all of
> it. (And EUC charsets are some of the most limited profiles of all - they
> assume fixed bindings of coded character sets to C0-1/G0-3 and only use the
> "shift next character" control sequences.
> I suggest you check out the specifiation of iso-2022-jp or any of the other
> iso-2022-* variants in order to see how to write this sort of description.

I changed as:
    Octets with the high bit clear specify single US-ASCII characters, while
    octets with the high bit set encode characters from the Windows Codepage
    932 by combining the bits from the two octets except the first octet is
    0x8E which represents Halfwidth Katakana.

>> Additional information:
>> This is a request for a new registration of this charset.
>> CP51932 is real implementation of EUC-JP mostly used by Web Browsers.
> I think what you're trying to say is that these browsers interpret EUC-JP
> (which is already registered and differs in some details) as the charset you
> describe here rather than what's actually registered under the name EUC-JP. If
> so, you need to make that much clearer.

I changed the description as:
    Typical user of CP51932 is web browsers. When web browsers load
    a page which are declared or auto-detected as "EUC-JP", they don't
    interpret it as true EUC-JP registerd in IANA Character Sets but as
    CP51932. When they post form data as "EUC-JP", the data is also
    encoded as CP51932.

> I also think some mention needs to be made of JIS X 0212 here and the apparent
> lack of a binding of it to the G3 range (which is present in EUC-JP). While I
> have no problem with dropping JIS X 0212 support - support for which is
> sporadic at best - the rationale for not having it needs to be called out.

I add description as:
    CP51932 is a variant of EUC-JP (like Windows-31J and Shift_JIS).
    this charset is different from EUC-JP in:
      * CP51932 doesn't support JIS X 0212
      * CP51932 supports characters extended by Windows Codepage 932
      * Unicode mapping of some characters are different

>> Internet Explorer gives a reference implementation.
>> Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome support also this.
>> They refers this charset by the name "EUC-JP".
>> http://coq.no/character-tables/mime/euc/en
> I'm not sure references to incorrect definitions of other charsets are
> appropriate or useful.

I removed it.

Now it comes as following:
Charset name: CP51932

Charset aliases: (none)

Suitability for use in MIME text:

    Yes, CP51932 is suitable for use with subtypes of the "text"
    Content-Type. Since CP1932 is an 8bit charset Care should be
   taken to choose an appropriate Content-Transfer-Encoding.

Published specification(s):

    Octets with the high bit clear specify single US-ASCII characters, while
    octets with the high bit set encode characters from the Windows Codepage
    932 by combining the bits from the two octets except the first octet is
    0x8E which represents Halfwidth Katakana.

    Meaning and mapping to Unicode of each character is refer to
    Windows Codepage 932.

ISO 10646 equivalency table:


Additional information:

    This is a request for a new registration of this charset.

    CP51932 is a variant of EUC-JP (like Windows-31J and Shift_JIS).
    this charset is different from EUC-JP in:
      * CP51932 doesn't support JIS X 0212
      * CP51932 supports characters extended by Windows Codepage 932
      * Unicode mapping of some characters are different

    Typical user of CP51932 is web browsers. When web browsers load
    a page which are declared or auto-detected as "EUC-JP", they don't
    interpret it as true EUC-JP registerd in IANA Character Sets but as
    CP51932. When they post form data as "EUC-JP", the data is also
    encoded as CP51932.

    The name "CP51932" is in use following applications:
      * Citrus iconv (NetBSD and DragonFly uses this)
      * patched GNU libiconv in FreeBSD ports
      * Mojikan http://www.mirai-ii.co.jp/moji/mojikan/
      * nkf 2.0.5
      * PHP 5.2.1
      * Ruby 1.9.1
      * Encode-EUCJPMS-0.06

    Moreover applications which uses MLang.DLL or .NET Framework for
    converting "EUC-JP" implicitly uses this charset.

    So this charset is widely used, but doesn't have its own name.
    Intended use of this name is to override the implementation of EUC-JP
    or charset convertion.

    Why the name is not "Windows-51932" is some of applications which accept
    the name "CP51932" don't support the name "Windows-51932".

    CP51932 is for use of importing legacy data.
    UTF-8 is preferred to CP51932 for new system.

    Related references are:

      "Remarks" of "GetEncodings Method" of "System.Text"

      "UnicodeによるJIS X0213実装入門―情報システムの新たな日本語処理環境"
      日経BPソフトプレス, ISBN 978-4891006082, 2008, p. 17-18, 20, 120-158

      CP51932 - Legacy Encoding Project

    This charset is also known as Windows Codepage 51932.

Person & email address to contact for further information:

    NARUSE, Yui
    Email: naruse@airemix.jp

Intended usage: LIMITED USE

NARUSE, Yui  <naruse@airemix.jp>