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Re: windows-874 new registration

Hi Shawn,

RFC 2978 says the following on page 6:

"3.2.  Charset Reviewer

   When the two week period has passed and the registration proposer is
   convinced that consensus has been achieved, the registration
   application should be submitted to IANA and the charset reviewer.
   The charset reviewer, who is appointed by the IETF Applications Area
   Director(s), either approves the request for registration or rejects
   it.  Rejection may occur because of significant objections raised on
   the list or objections raised externally.  If the charset reviewer
   considers the registration sufficiently important and controversial,
   a last call for comments may be issued to the full IETF.  The charset
   reviewer may also recommend standards track processing (before or
   after registration) when that appears appropriate and the level of
   specification of the charset is adequate.

   The charset reviewer must reach a decision and post it to the ietf-
   charsets mailing list within two weeks.  Decisions made by the
   reviewer may be appealed to the IESG."

Send the IANA copy via the form at:


(choose the last option "All other assignments")

The IANA Protocol Registries at:


says that Ned Freed is primary expert and Martin Duerst is
secondary expert for the IANA Character Sets registry.

- Ira (editor of original IANA Charset MIB, RFC 3808)

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WG
Co-Chair - TCG Hardcopy WG
IETF Designated Expert - IPP & Printer MIB
Blue Roof Music/High North Inc
Christmas through April:
  579 Park Place  Saline, MI  48176
May to Christmas:
  PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Shawn Steele <Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com> wrote:
Ping, the review period has elapsed, however I don't remember how I request this be published.  Can someone point me to the right spot/process?


-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Steele
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 12:29 PM
To: ietf-charsets@mail.apps.ietf.org
Subject: windows-874 new registration

Windows-874 is in use by several groups, but it hasn't been registered yet, so I'd like to submit it for review:  The form is similar to the 1252 request we discussed last year.

Charset name: windows-874

Charset aliases: (None)

Suitability for use in MIME text:

 Yes, windows-874 is suitable for use with subtypes of the "text"
 Content-Type. Note that windows-874 is an 8-bit charset. Care should
 be taken to choose an appropriate Content-Transfer-Encoding.

Published specification(s):

 1) http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/sbcs/874.htm

ISO 10646 equivalency table:


Additional information:

 UTF-8 is preferred to windows-874 for Thai, when permissible.

 Although not authoritative, the following references may also be of

 Printed mapping table:
 Dr. International "Developing International Software, Second Edition",
 Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-7356-1583-7, 2003, p. 779-782

 Microsoft windows extended "best fit" behavior:

 This is a request for a new registration of this charset. This
 charset name is in use.

 This charset is also known as Windows Code Page 874, DOS-874,
 or cp874 for short; these are NOT aliases.

Person & email address to contact for further information:

 Shawn Steele
 Email: Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com

 Microsoft Corporation
 One Microsoft Way,
 Redmond, WA 98052

Intended usage: COMMON