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Re: shift_jis / windows-31J

2010/11/11 Shawn Steele <Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com>
> Moreover XML doesn't allow "+" for EncName.
I picked the syntax based on a previous thread a couple years ago, I didn't realize this was a problem.

My more general question is "how do I say 'shift_jis points to windows-31J' on some systems, despite what the charset registry has said for years?"

The ICU converter alias list has the following aliases tagged with "WINDOWS": Shift_JIS, MS_Kanji, csShiftJIS, csWindows31J, cp932, windows-932. I don't know which of these names Windows actually recognizes. If there is at least one name that Windows recognizes (MS_Kanji??) and that does not collide with an IANA standard-Shift-JIS alias, you could use that.
