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Re: Encodings and the web

On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 11:59:49 +0100, Anne van Kesteren <annevk@opera.com>  
> If you are interested in helping out testing (and reverse engineering)
> multi-octet encodings please let me know. Any other input is much
> appreciated as well.

I made some modest progress since last time. In particular the to Unicode  
algorithms behind hz-gb-2312, euc-jp, iso-2202-jp, and shift_jis are done.


I was wondering if people had ideas on how to present rather large data  
tables. For single-octet encodings I think what I have now is okay, but  
for multi-octet encodings it probably needs to be a separate file. Should  
such a file be HTML or is a simple data file sufficient? Maybe JSON or the  
Unicode.org format?

Input appreciated.

By the way, if it is inappropriate for me to discuss this here let me know.

Anne van Kesteren