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Invitation: Sept. 8-9, Unicode Workshop 6, Bay Area

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To:		All those interested in the Unicode Standard
From:		Asmus Freytag, Vice President Marketing
Subject:	Upcoming Unicode Implementers Workshop

I am  writing to inform you of our upcoming Unicode Implementers=92
Workshop 6, to be held at the Westin Hotel, Santa Clara, September
8-9, 1994. Following the successful Unicode Implementers=92 Workshop in
Tokyo, we are looking forward to offering an enlarged and even more
comprehensive workshop in the Bay Area.

Please take a moment and pass this information your colleagues, or =

anyone else you think might benefit from this information.

I hope you can join us in September.

Asmus Freytag
Vice President=97Marketing

PS: please do not respond to the sender of this message;
    use this electronic contact: workshop@unicode.org


   Unicode/ISO 10646 Implementers=92 Workshop 6
          Santa Clara, California, USA
               September 8-9, 1994


The Unicode Implementers=92 Workshop is an excellent
opportunity for developers to learn about Unicode and
its use from industry leaders as well as members of
the Unicode Technical Committee.  There will be
breakout sessions for specific implementation topics,
an opportunity to attend an optional tutorial, and a
demonstration session where attendees can see
working systems implementing the Unicode Standard.

The is the sixth in a series of workshops sponsored by
the Unicode Consortium. Previous workshops have
been held in the U.S., Germany, and, most recently,


Continental Breakfast from 8:00am on both days.
Sessions start at 9:00. Two tracks of sessions
before and after lunch. Sessions end at 5:00pm

On Sept. 8, there will be a reception in the evening,
accompanying an exhibition of products supporting
the Unicode Standard, from a variety of vendors.


Featured topics include:
- Purpose and History of the Unicode Consortium
- Relationship between Unicode and ISO-10646
- Conversion betw. Unicode and other Character Sets
- Unicode in a Heterogeneous Environment
- Designing a Font for Unicode
- Font Rendering Under Unicode
- Combining Characters
- Migrating Existing Software to Unicode
- Writing a Word Processor for Unicode
- A Multilingual System based on Unicode
- Universal Language Support
- National Language Support based on Unicode
- Support for Unicode in Apple Macitnosh, Windows
  NT, Taligent, and Plan 9

Additional presentations are planned.

Included in the registration price:
  - Proceedings, Tutorial
  - Diskette with conversion tables
  - Breakfast, Lunch, Reception & Refreshment


The Unicode Implementers=92 Workshop will
feature a separate track of tutorial sessions,
created for the Consortium by the Institute
for Advanced Professional Studies. This
tutorial will be presented by its author, Glenn
Adams of Metis Technology and a Technical
Director of the Unicode Consortium.

"Introduction to the Unicode Standard"
presents an in-depth discussion of the
architectural features of the Unicode
Standard and how they relate to the writing
systems in use throughout the world.

The tutorial introduces the concept of Code
Element and Text Element in the context of
the display, processing and interchange
model underlying the design of the Standard.
It then concludes with modules on
implementation issues for bi-directional text
and Indic script processing.


Software developers and managers, but also data base
architects, font designers, technical writers and others
interested in practical information on implementing
the Unicode Standard.	=

	September 8-9, 1994

	The Westin Hotel, Santa Clara
	5101 Great America Parkway
	Santa Clara, CA 95054
	Tel: (408)-986-0700
	Fax: (408)-980-3939

For further information and registration
please contact:

	Unicode Implementers=92 Workshop
	Attn.: Dawn or Barbara, CCI
	2249 LeClair Dr.
	Coquitlam, B.C.
	V3K 6P6

	Phone: (604)-931-7600
	FAX: (604)-937-5898
	E-Mail: workshop@unicode.org

To register now please fill in the registration form
on the right and send it to the address listed above.

	Upon receipt of your registration and payment
	by Unicode/CCI, you will be sent a confir-
	mation letter with additional information and
	the final agenda. Cancellations must be
	received before August 22 and carry a fee of
	$30. Registrations may be transferred to a
	substitute delegate.

It is advised that hotel reservations be made by
August 22. Please call the Westin, Santa Clara directly
and request the Unicode, Inc. special group rate ($95
single, $105 double twin).

Please notify us two weeks in advance of the
workshop, if you need special accommodations.

Please Print


Please register me for the UIW 6 in Santa Clara

[   ] Registration before August 15		US $245
[   ] Registration after August 15		US $295	=

[   ] With Membership discount		US $220
	Eligible for the membership discount are
	Individual Members, or an unlimited number
	of employees of Unicode Member Companies
	or Associate Members

	Total			US $ _________

       Please make checks / money orders payable to:
      Unicode, Inc.

[   ] Visa  [  ] Mastercard  [  ] American Expr.  [  ] JCB

Credit cards will be billed in US Dollars

NAME as it appears on card

Unicode and the Unicode logo are trademarks of
Unicode Inc.