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Hello Internet Friends.  I would like to introduce you to our new 
"FREE" E-mail magazine, the Career Consulting Corner.  

Each month we provide our subscribers terrific information on:  
Legitimate Home Business Opportunities, and Career Consulting for 
those who are employed by others.

Example Articles include: Bookkeeping Services, Accounting, 
Resume Writing, Free Lance Writing, Taxi Services, Private Tutor, 
Arts & Crafts, Mail Order, Bed&Breakfast Accommodations, Pet 
Breeding, Computer Consulting, Information Selling, Internet 
Business, Computer Suppliers, Software Sellers, just to name a 

This is the place to come if you're interested in learning more 
about real home business opportunities. 

Another part of our e-mail magazine is the  "Career Consulting 
Corner."  It's chock-full of great career counseling 
information for the young, middle aged, and for seniors. 

Example Articles:  Scholarships for people at all ages, coping at 
50 in the job market, mid-life career crash and recovery, 
changing your career at 40, the hottest careers for the 90's and 
beyond.  You'll find something new each month in our magazine.   


Examples: writing a resume like a pro, interviewing tips, how to 
get past the personnel department, career assessment test you can 
take in the privacy of your home, cover letters that get 
attention, how to choose a resume writing service, negotiating 
your salary, and much more!

Written by a true career consulting professional with over 12 
years experience in helping people with their careers, the writer
of this magazine has gathered some impressive credentials.  Here 
are just a few:  Honored professional in the Who's Who of 
Executives and Professionals, published in both version of the 
Gallery of Best Resume by the JIST, Inc., as well, is a member of 
the American Counseling Association, and the National Career 
Development Association.  The information you get comes from a 
person with real expereince and education in helping others 
obtain their career goals.

We are able to bring you this exciting magazine free every month 
because our advertisers foot the bill.  For you, great information, absolutely 

Remember, whether you work for yourself or for someone else, what 
you do in your life every day is your career!  

Subscribe today to our "FREE" Career Consulting Corner Magazine, and get
great information sent to you every month! 

*****If you would like to subscribe please hit reply and place 
SUBSCRIBE the subject heading or body. 

So, SUBSCRIBE TODAY!   It's completely Free, Free, Free!