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Re: Charset policy - Post Munich

Ed Hart responded privately but I trust he won't object to my forwarding his

> From amendment 2:  UCS Transformation format 8 (UTF-8)
> I'll see you on Wednesday afternoon.
> Best regards,
> Ed
> ----------
> From:  Misha Wolf [SMTP:misha.wolf@reuters.com]
> Sent:  01 September, 1997 17:11
> To:  Multiple Recipients of
> Subject:  Re: Charset policy - Post Munich
> [I'm copying this mail to the unicode list.  If any Unicoder responds, 
> please copy your response to (ietf-charsets@innosoft.com).]
> A couple of minor comments:
> >     (Note: ISO 10646 calls the UTF-8 CES a "Transfer Format" rather
> >     than a "character encoding scheme", but it fits the charset report
> >     definition of a character encoding scheme).
> As I'm on the road (actually at the Eleventh International Unicode 
> Conference), I don't have access to the ISO 10646 amendments.  I think 
> that ISO 10646 calls UTF-8 a "Transformation Format", not a "Transfer 
> Format".  Can anyone check this?  RFC 2130 contains many incorrect 
> definitions including those of ASCII (!) and of UTF; please let's not 
> add to them.

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