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Default Language

A suggestion for the justification to have a default language:

* The default language is the language which is most likely to be common
between any pair of client and server implementors.  This is an
engineering requirement to simplify troubleshooting.

I don't like the current wording about the default language being
English, but different from explicitly negotiating English.  I see two
acceptable paths:

(1) The default language is "en", which may be different from explicitly
negotiating an english dialect such as "en-US" or "en-UK".  New protocols
MUST provide a mechanism to negotiate a language for human readable text 
which would otherwise be sent in the default language.

(2) The default language is "i-default".  The difference between
"i-default" and "en" is <insert appropriate precise text and registration
for i-default here>.

I'm skeptical that we'll find appropriate precise text to insert in the
hole in section (2) and I don't like the idea of inventing our own
language (which is what 2 does).

What I find unacceptable is having the protocol start up in a state with
presumably useful error strings, then requiring a one-way negotiation away
from that state.

		- Chris