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Re: registration of iso-8859-15: v1.1

> > Strictly speaking, the ISO 8859-n series are only graphic character sets,
> > i.e., they are only specifying code positions 0x20 to 0x7e and 0xa0 to 0xff;
> > they are silent about code positions 0x00 to 0x1f, 0x7f, and 0x80 to 0x9f
> > which is where CR and LF go.

> That is correct, the whole series is only dealing with graphic characters,
> not even with CR/LF, which are of course an essential part of the text data
> realm anyway, but ouside this series of standards.

This is dealt with quite explicitly in RFC 2026 section 4.1.2 -- the lower
128 characters of all the ISO-8859-x registrations are forced into alignment
with US-ASCII.
