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Request for correction of charset registry

Dear IANA,

This is a request for a correction to the 'charset' registry you
maintain at http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets.

Please add

Alias: ISO-8859-8-e (preferred MIME name)

to the entry MIBenum 84, and please add

Alias: ISO-8859-8-i (preferred MIME name)

to the entry MIBenum 85.

http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1556.txt, which is given as the source for
these entries, actually contains the above labels, but not the labels
currently listed in the charset registry.

Also, these labels are explicitly mentioned in the HTML 4.0 spec
(see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/dirlang.html#bidi88598),
and are in wide use.

Currently, http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets

Name: ISO_8859-8:1988                                     [RFC1345,KXS2]
MIBenum: 11
Source: ECMA registry
Alias: iso-ir-138
Alias: ISO_8859-8
Alias: ISO-8859-8 (preferred MIME name)
Alias: hebrew
Alias: csISOLatinHebrew

Name: ISO_8859-8-E                                  [RFC1556,Nussbacher]
MIBenum: 84
Source: RFC-1556
Alias: csISO88598E

Name: ISO_8859-8-I                                  [RFC1556,Nussbacher]
MIBenum: 85
Source: RFC-1556
Alias: csISO88598I

After the update, it should contain

Name: ISO_8859-8:1988                                     [RFC1345,KXS2]
MIBenum: 11
Source: ECMA registry
Alias: iso-ir-138
Alias: ISO_8859-8
Alias: ISO-8859-8 (preferred MIME name)
Alias: hebrew
Alias: csISOLatinHebrew

Name: ISO_8859-8-E                                  [RFC1556,Nussbacher]
MIBenum: 84
Source: RFC-1556
Alias: ISO-8859-8-e (preferred MIME name)
Alias: csISO88598E

Name: ISO_8859-8-I                                  [RFC1556,Nussbacher]
MIBenum: 85
Source: RFC-1556
Alias: ISO-8859-8-i (preferred MIME name)
Alias: csISO88598I

Many thanks in advance and kind regards,
