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Revised registration request for new charset CESU-8

This registration request is revised from the previous request posted by me
on January 2nd 2002 based on feedback from the registrar, Harald
Alvestrand.  The following changes have been made:

- "Additional Information" section has been updated to quote from the
Introduction section of UTR#26, specifically: "CESU-8 is not intended nor
recommended for open interchange".

- UTR#26 was approved by the 91st Unicode Technical Committee meeting as a
full Unicode Technical Report on February 13th 2002.  The encoding was
structurally unchanged, the only changes being cosmetic edits to the
document.  Based upon this, I have *not* added the requested notes to the
registration to state that the registration is based off a draft UTR.  The
URL of the final UTR is unchanged from the URL referenced in the original
registration, and the final document will be posted by the Unicode
Editorial Committee shortly, upon completion of their final editorial

I request that this charset now be registered by the IANA.

Toby Phipps.

Toby Phipps
Director - Global Technology
PeopleSoft, Inc.
tphipps@peoplesoft.com   +1-925-694-9525

--- Registration request follows ---

Charset name: CESU-8

Charset aliases: csCESU-8

Suitability for use in MIME text: No

Published specification(s):
   Unicode Technical Report #26
   "Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16: 8-bit (CESU-8)"

ISO 10646 equivalency table: See specification.

Additional information:
   CESU-8 is an 8-bit Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16 (CESU) that
   is intended for internal use within systems processing Unicode in order
   provide an ASCII-compatible 8-bit encoding that is similar to UTF-8 but
   preserves UTF-16 binary collation. Data encoded in CESU-8 should only be
   exchanged when it is labeled as such in a higher-level protocol or is
   agreed upon in an API definition.  CESU-8 is not intended nor
   for open interchange.

Person & email address to contact for further information:
   Toby Phipps

   Jianping Yang

   Nobuyoshi Mori

Intended usage: LIMITED USE