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Re: Revised registration request for new charset CESU-8

I hereby approve this registration.


--On søndag, mars 03, 2002 21:50:15 -0800 toby_phipps@peoplesoft.com wrote:

> This registration request is revised from the previous request posted by
> me on January 2nd 2002 based on feedback from the registrar, Harald
> Alvestrand.  The following changes have been made:
> - "Additional Information" section has been updated to quote from the
> Introduction section of UTR#26, specifically: "CESU-8 is not intended nor
> recommended for open interchange".
> - UTR#26 was approved by the 91st Unicode Technical Committee meeting as a
> full Unicode Technical Report on February 13th 2002.  The encoding was
> structurally unchanged, the only changes being cosmetic edits to the
> document.  Based upon this, I have *not* added the requested notes to the
> registration to state that the registration is based off a draft UTR.  The
> URL of the final UTR is unchanged from the URL referenced in the original
> registration, and the final document will be posted by the Unicode
> Editorial Committee shortly, upon completion of their final editorial
> review.
> I request that this charset now be registered by the IANA.
> Regards,
> Toby Phipps.
> --
> Toby Phipps
> Director - Global Technology
> PeopleSoft, Inc.
> tphipps@peoplesoft.com   +1-925-694-9525
> --- Registration request follows ---
> Charset name: CESU-8
> Charset aliases: csCESU-8
> Suitability for use in MIME text: No
> Published specification(s):
>    Unicode Technical Report #26
>    "Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16: 8-bit (CESU-8)"
>    http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr26
> ISO 10646 equivalency table: See specification.
> Additional information:
>    CESU-8 is an 8-bit Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16 (CESU) that
>    is intended for internal use within systems processing Unicode in order
> to
>    provide an ASCII-compatible 8-bit encoding that is similar to UTF-8 but
>    preserves UTF-16 binary collation. Data encoded in CESU-8 should only
> be    exchanged when it is labeled as such in a higher-level protocol or
> is    agreed upon in an API definition.  CESU-8 is not intended nor
> recommended
>    for open interchange.
> Person & email address to contact for further information:
>    Toby Phipps
>    tphipps@peoplesoft.com
>    Jianping Yang
>    jianping.yang@oracle.com
>    Nobuyoshi Mori
>    nobuyoshi.mori@sap.com
> Intended usage: LIMITED USE