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RE: comments on draft-yergeau-utf8-rev2-00


> > 2. Section 5 (BOM)
> >     I suggest to add a paragraph about Unicode 3.2's addition 
> > of U+2060 Word Joiner.
> What about this:
>    In an attempt at diminishing the uncertainty, Unicode 3.2 adds a new
>    character, U+2060 WORD JOINER, with exactly the same semantics and usage
>    as U+FEFF except for the signature function, and strongly recommends its
>    exclusive use for expressing word-joining semantics. Eventually,
> following
>    this recommendation will make it all but certain that any initial U+FEFF
>    is a signature, not an intended "ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE".

That language seems fine to me.

> > 3. Bibliography
> >     I suggest to replace the [UNICODE] book/ISBN reference 
> > and the link to version 3.0
> >     with a reference to "Unicode 3.2"
> >     and a link to http://www.unicode.org/unicode/standard/versions/
> >     (Ken and others may have different ideas here).
> Fine with me.  What do others think?

This would also be o.k. It would give the most up-to-date reference
to the current version. And that URL is a longterm stable one that
will always lead people to correct version information and official
citation recommendations.
