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Inquiry on GB18030 and GBK IANA charsets registrations

Hello Harald et al.,

The final drafts of the IANA charset registrations for GB18030 and GBK
were posted to this list one month ago.  Judging by the lack of
comments this time around, I suppose everyone is satisfied with the
registrations.  :-)

So, if they look alright to you, could you please recommend their
inclusion in the official IANA charset list?  Esp. for GB18030: It is
an important charsets, and quite a few developers (e.g. from IBM, Sun,
and CHEN Zhuang from CESI (responsible for the GB18030 standard)) have
asked me about the progress of registration.  The GB18030 needs to be
officially registered with IANA before it can be fully implemented and
supported in applications.

Many thanks!  :-)


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling
ThizLinux Laboratory   <anthony@thizlinux.com> http://www.thizlinux.com/
Debian Chinese Project <foka@debian.org>       http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
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