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Re: =?utf-8?B?UkU6IGNvbW1lbnRzIG9uIGRyYWZ0LXllcmdlYXUtdXRmOC1yZXYy?==?utf-8?B?LTAw?=

--On 15. april 2002 14:15 -0400 "=?utf-8?B?RnJhbmNvaXMgWWVyZ2VhdQ==?=" 
<FYergeau@alis.com> wrote:

>> 3. Bibliography
>>     I suggest to replace the [UNICODE] book/ISBN reference
>> and the link to version 3.0
>>     with a reference to "Unicode 3.2"
>>     and a link to http://www.unicode.org/unicode/standard/versions/
>>     (Ken and others may have different ideas here).
> Fine with me.  What do others think?

please don't remove the book reference.
if Stuff Happens and the Unicode Consortium goes away, any decent library 
will be able to find its copy of the book by ISDN number (unless QUITE 
severe breakdowns in civilization happen....)
The URL, however, is likely to not resolve once that happens, and we don't 
have any means of finding out what it pointed to once it has gone away.

The RFC Editor has seen this happen so many times already that the 
resistance to URLs as only references to normative material is quite solid.
> BTW, the I-D staff didn't like "draft-yergeau-utf8-rev2..." they suggested
> "draft-yergeau-rfc2279bis..." instead, so this is it:
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-yergeau-rfc2279bis-00.txt.

silly of them....