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Fixing redirects for 'character-sets' directory

Dear IANA,

This is a bug report on the structure of your web site.

I just had a look at http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets.
Therein I found

Name: windows-1251
MIBenum: 2251
Source: Microsoft  (see ../character-set-info/windows-1251) [Lazhintseva]
Alias: None

This suggests (according to the rules for relative URIs) that this
information is available at

However, this URI returns a '404 not found'. The same for:

(which is what you might have wanted to point to, or may want to
point to in the future, in which case you should say
(see character-set-info/windows-1251) rather than
(see ../character-set-info/windows-1251).

I finally found what I guess is the right thing at:

But this was only possible by trial-and-error. On the other hand,
if I try to look at
I get the following:

The Character Sets Registry has moved to the following:


For all registries, please see the following:


Updated May 01 2001

I strongly suggest that you move all your data to the same site
(www.iana.org), and that you use an automatic redirect rather
than a manual redirect to refer people from
http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/ to http://www.iana.org/.

Also, I have found a lot of files in
that end with a tilde. I suspect that these are artefacts from
editing, and I suggest that you remove them.

Please feel free to ask in case you have any questions.
Many thanks in advance for your kind consideration.

Regards,     Martin.


#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, I18N Activity Lead, World Wide Web Consortium
#-#-#  mailto:duerst@w3.org   http://www.w3.org/People/D%C3%BCrst