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Re: Fixing redirects for 'character-sets' directory

Hello Keith,

At 10:34 02/04/18 -0400, Keith Moore wrote:
> >  >>>>
> > Name: windows-1251
> > MIBenum: 2251
> > Source: Microsoft  (see ../character-set-info/windows-1251) [Lazhintseva]
> > Alias: None
> >  >>>>
> >
> > This suggests (according to the rules for relative URIs) that this
> > information is available at
> > http://www.iana.org/character-set-info/windows-1251
>why do you assume that ../character-set-info/windows-1251 is a URI
>or that the rules for relative URIs apply here?

If you give me a better suggestion for how to interpret
../character-set-info/windows-1251, I'll go with it.
And I wouldn't have to use URI rules, even on a single
machine, with several OSes, it would be pretty much the
same. And I actually got to the point I wanted after
going up and down in the hierarchy a bit more.

>the real lesson, I think, is to not embed filenames into documents.

Let's please not use philosophical arguments to detract from
the straightforward job of cleaning up the redirects.

Regards,   Martin.