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Re: ignore dashes etc. (was Registration of new charset GB18030 (fwd))

It seems that we have cleared up some misunderstandings and might come closer to an agreement -

Mark Davis wrote:

> If we simply have a rule in registration that no two aliases (for
> different two different code pages) were only distinguished by case,

(as is the rule already)

> hyphens, underscores, or spaces (a darn'd good rule in any event, to

(this in addition)

> prevent confusion), then those who choose to be lenient on input can
> continue to do so; those who want to be strict, can.

How about adding this kind of language to http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets ?

I think we have these proposals for how registered charset names should not differ (in addition to case):

Martin (jul15): hyphen, underscore

François/Tango (jul15): hyphen, underscore, periods
     (not a proposal but description of practice;
      plus ignoring "x-" as a last resort)

Mark (jul19): hyphen, underscore, spaces
     [but spaces are not allowed in registered names anyway,
      so they are only ignored at comparison, not for registration]

Can we all agree that registered charset names should not differ by hyphens and underscores?
How about periods?

I assume that the reaction to the original (stronger) proposal,
to add language that charset name *matching* _should_ ignore hyphen/underscore/space,
is negative.
