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Re: Registration of new charset BOCU-1

Martin Duerst wrote:

> At 08:31 02/07/23 -0700, Markus Scherer wrote:
>> I further propose to otherwise leave the registration text as is and 
>> proceed with the actual registration.
> I still think it's a bad idea to advertise a character encoding
> that we clearly discourage.

I don't see that "limited use" means that we "clearly discourage" a charset, and I would like to argue that a short list of features is not an outrageous amount of advertising.

BOCU-1 was not created and proposed for registration to then be discouraged, but to encourage users to use a Unicode encoding when they would otherwise choose a legacy encoding just for its compactness (aside from database applications).

As I said before, the SCSU registration has a similar list of features, and no one thought it unwise then.
It is much easier for someone to figure out if a charset is appropriate for some use if one need not follow a URL.

I made this argument two weeks ago and there was no response at all, so I assumed that this was all acceptable.

I would like to ask again, What do others think?
What does the approver think?
