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Re: Proposal for additional Aliases to IANA registry of character sets

Do we have a consensus on all the proposed aliases -- excepting the two

      Existing Iana     Existing Alias    Proposed Alias
      Name              Name                    Name
      ISO_8859-1:1987   IBM819                  IBM-819
      ANSI_X3.4-1968    IBM367                  IBM-367

I would like to see the list of aliases added to the IANA registry at the
earliest convenience of the registrar.

Could the discussion on the above two be separated from the rest of the
proposed aliases?  Please let me know if I need to resubmit the proposal
(minus the the above entries) to this list, and how soon can the approval
be secured for the non objectionable entries.

It is not clear how the topic of additional aliases to widely used
character sets are to be dealt with -- within the current IANA registration
procedures / RFC 2978.   It is not only useful - it is mandatory - to spell
out in the procedures document, the rules / conditions under which Aliases
will be accepted for registration:

      .  For existing registry entries
            - for widely used sets
            - for limited-use sets
      .  For new registry entries
            - for widely used sets
            - for limited-use sets

(The above is just an example classification).

If this is not in place, requesters for IANA charset names and its aliases,
will be at the mercy of whoever (all well intentioned and well-meaning
reviewers / commenters and guardians of the IETF namespace entries) happens
to be on the ietf-charsets list at any point in time.

Thanks and best regards,  Uma.

V.S. Umamaheswaran, Ph.D.
Globalization Centre of Competency,  IBM Canada Lab, 8200 Warden Avenue,
B3/979, Markham, Ontario,  L6G 1C7
Ph: +1 905-413-3474 (Tie 969); Fax:905 413 4903; Internet:
umavs@ca.ibm.com; Notes: umavs@ibmca; VM: umavs@torolab2