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Re: Proposal for additional Aliases to IANA registry of character sets

the flipside of your comment is that if the guardianship is not done, the 
charset registry is at the mercy of whoever who wants to add inappropriate 
aliases to the registry :-)

if you want to change the procedures, you could try taking the existing 
procedures, reformulating or extending them the way you think they should 
be, and sending the result to this list, and eventually the IETF 
internet-drafts directory for discussion.

The IETF is a consensus process driven by those willing to do the work....


--On 11. september 2002 17:04 -0400 umavs@ca.ibm.com wrote:

> It is not clear how the topic of additional aliases to widely used
> character sets are to be dealt with -- within the current IANA
> registration procedures / RFC 2978.   It is not only useful - it is
> mandatory - to spell out in the procedures document, the rules /
> conditions under which Aliases will be accepted for registration:
>       .  For existing registry entries
>             - for widely used sets
>             - for limited-use sets
>       .  For new registry entries
>             - for widely used sets
>             - for limited-use sets
> (The above is just an example classification).
> If this is not in place, requesters for IANA charset names and its
> aliases, will be at the mercy of whoever (all well intentioned and
> well-meaning reviewers / commenters and guardians of the IETF namespace
> entries) happens to be on the ietf-charsets list at any point in time.