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RE: Comments on draft-yergeau-rfc2279bis-00.txt

Martin Duerst wrote:
> As far as I understand most contributions on the list in the past
> day or so, the standard should discourage the BOM, but it currently
> doesn't.

That much is clear.  It seems there will have to be a draft-03 with some
additional language in that direction.

> > > UTF-8 never needs a 'byte-order' signature.
> >
> >This is unfortunately not true, except in the limited realm 
> >of properly internationalized protocols
> As for example IETF protocols.

Errr, some IETF protocols.  I have no way to tell an FTP server what is the
charset of a file I'm uploading, nor does the server have any way of telling
me the charset of a file I'm downloading.  And even if it had a way (like in
HTTP), the server most probably wouldn't know and would either not tell or
