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Re: New draft-yergeau-rfc2279bis-05.txt

McDonald, Ira wrote:
> Which reminds me that the recently published RFC 3454 (December 2002)
> is based on Unicode/3.2 (of course).  But there are (I believe) some
> new characters registered in Unicode/4.0.  Also, Markus Kuhn's good
> point recently on Linux I18N list that the character class of 
> SOFT-HYPHEN just changed in Unicode/4.0 (which affects Stringprep).

None of this affects the definition of UTF-8. The reference to Unicode 4 is for the definition of 
the character encoding scheme and related definitions. Unicode 4 is useful because 1. it will be a 
book soon and 2. its description of all of the core UTFs is much clearer and explicit than before.

> Since a lot of IETF WGs are doing Stringprep profiles, it would be
> desirable that they were referencing Unicode/4.0 - thus new exclusions
> tables are needed, for example.

Only for new profiles, right?


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