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RE: [rt.icann.org #3509] AutoReply: IANA Character Set RegistrationSubmittal - Disposition of comments

Is there someone who can decide on my submittal to register additional character sets for which I submitted a “disposition of comments” in June 2005?


This email contains the disposition of comments.  The experts who provided comments had minor concerns that are outside the scope of the registration process and told me either in phone conversations or in face-to-face meetings that they have no objection to the registration.


Mike Ksar



Mike Ksar


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Ksar
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:16 PM
To: iana-prot-param@icann.org
Cc: Mike Ksar
Subject: RE: [rt.icann.org #3509] AutoReply: IANA Character Set Registration Submittal - Disposition of comments


Can someone tell me the status of the IANA Character Set Registration submittal that I sent several months ago?  When will the registration be announced and through which mechanism?  Will they just appear on a specific web site?  What is the web site and when will they appear?


Mike Ksar


-----Original Message-----

From: IANA Protocol Parameter Requests via RT [mailto:iana-prot-param@icann.org]

Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 6:37 PM

To: Mike Ksar

Subject: [rt.icann.org #3509] AutoReply: IANA Character Set Registration Submittal - Disposition of comments





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           "IANA Character Set Registration Submittal - Disposition of comments",

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                        Thank you,



Title: IANA Character Set Registration Submittal
From: Mike Ksar
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:55 AM
To: ietf-charsets@iana.org
Cc: Mike Ksar; Ken Tamaru; ned.freed@mrochek.com
Subject: FW: IANA Character Set Registration Submittal - Disposition of comments

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red
I have not received any notification about the Character Set Registration that I have submitted.  Is there someone specific I need to contact on this registration request?
Mike Ksar

From: Mike Ksar
Sent: Wed 6/1/2005 4:06 PM
To: ietf-charsets@iana.org
Cc: Mike Ksar
Subject: IANA Character Set Registration Submittal - Disposition of comments

I have met face-to-face and/or contacted people by email/phone who posed questions on the IANA Character Set Registration submittal that I sent out on March 15, 2005.
As I explained to the people that responded, I followed the registration guidelines and the few concerns that were expressed are not a serious concern.  I was informed by most of those who provided feedback on the registration submittal that they do not object to the registration submittal.
Please inform me when the registration is completed.
Mike Ksar

From: Mike Ksar
Sent: Tue 3/15/2005 1:43 PM
To: ietf-charsets@iana.org
Cc: Mike Ksar
Subject: IANA Character Set Registration Submittal

Attached are 5 new charset registration applicatons and 9 previously registered charsets which needed updating.

The files that are new registrations are:

1.  windows-874.txt
2.  windows-932.txt
3.  windows-936.txt
4.  windows-949.txt
5.  windows-950.txt

The files that are updates of existing IANA registrations are:

1.  windows-1250.txt
2.  windows-1251.txt
3.  windows-1252.txt
4.  windows-1253.txt
5.  windows-1254.txt
6.  windows-1255.txt
7.  windows-1256.txt
8.  windows-1257.txt
9.  windows-1258.txt

Mike Ksar


-----Original Message-----
From: ned.freed@mrochek.com [mailto:ned.freed@mrochek.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 4:07 PM
To: Mike Ksar
Cc: ned.freed@mrochek.com; Mike Ksar
Subject: RE: IANA Character Set Registration Procedures

> Thanks for the info on registering character sets with IANA.

> One more question:  Is there a way to update some of the information on
> registrations that have been submitted by other folks from Microsoft,
> e.g. pointers to the latest location of URLs and mappings to ISO
> 10646/Unicode?

Basically what you need to do is put together a revised registation
and run it through the regular process.
