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Re: Volunteer needed to serve as IANA charset reviewer

On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 06:33:48AM -0400, Bruce Lilly wrote:
> On Wed September 6 2006 18:58, Ned Freed wrote:
> > > I concur with the need to maintain the current charset registry to
> > > support legacy apps that use it.
> > 
> > > And I think Ned would be an excellent choice for reviewer, though it
> > > wouldn' t bother me if he could have the assistance of people with
> > > specialized expertise in Asian writing schemes.
> > 
> > Any such assistance would be hugely welcome. As an aside, it would also be nice
> > if more people would post comments to the list...
> OK.  I concur with most of what has already been said by others, specifically
> that if a charset (i.e. something meeting the definition of charset) is in
> use, it ought to be registered; using the registry as a way to force some
> agenda is a very bad idea.  Also that Ned would be an excellent choice for
> reviewer, and I would add that I fully support his stated plan to overhaul
> the existing registry, which has long been in need of such an overhaul (e.g.
> the registration procedure has long said that "ASCII" is disallowed, yet it
> is in fact registered as an alias).

There seems to be a problem here, but maybe it whould then be the
procedures that be revised, as ASCII is a well known name for a specific
character set.

I can agree to that ascii not be the recommended name for the specific

Best regards