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Re: Cleanup (was: Volunteer needed to serve as IANA charset reviewer)

On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 12:48:50AM +0200, Frank Ellermann wrote:
> Ned Freed wrote:
> > one of the things I will do is conduct a complete overhaul of
> > the existing registry.
> [...]
> > I also wrote and continue to maintain a fairly full-features
> > charset conversion library.
> Then there are several sources:  The ICU converters, your lib,
> the Unicode mappings, and standards in cases like ISO 8859-11.
> For the most important charsets these sources hopefully agree,
> and maybe it's possible to use CharMapML to list most of them
> (not for UTF7, UTF16-LE, UTF32-LE, BOCU-1 and SCSU).  If needed
> I could create a CharMapML file for UTF-1.  Not because anybody
> uses it, let alone "over the wire", but because it's a part of
> the history.  Less than 9,000 lines without cheating.

there is also a fairly complete UNIX utility called recode,
which has extensive mappings.

Best regards