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RE: Registration of Windows Charsets (Thai, Japanese, GBK,Korean,Big-5)

[An earlier version of this mail went off before being finished, sorry.
This is the completed version.]

At 04:13 06/10/09, Mike Ksar wrote:
>After two years I submit the request for registration new character sets 
>and updating existing ones you one me to start from scratch?

Hello Mike,

I very much understand your frustration.
I would be quite frustrated, too, if I were in your position.
I'm very committed to make sure that delays as the ones you have
suffered won't occur anymore.

>Ned Freed provided me then with guidance as to which form I should use and 
>which RFC to follow. If the forms changed since then

RFC 2278 was published in October 2000. I very much doubt that Ned gave
you any other reference.

> it should be possible 
>for you and Ned, as the new registrar's to recreate my submission using the 
>data that I submitted.

The IETF and the IANA do not work that way. IANA is the registrar,
but they do not understand character encodings. Ned and me are the
expert reviewers, i.e. we advise IANA on when we think a registration
is in good shape and consensus has been achieved about it on this
list. Preparation of the registrations, and improvement of the
registration forms based on comments on the this mailing list,
have always been the responsibility of the registrant.
Also, I have pointed out some missing information (e.g.
no information about "Suitability for use in MIME text:").
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to "recreate" that information.

Having volunteered for the job of charset reviewer (just a few weeks ago),
I'm very committed to make sure that the current backlog gets
discussed and moved forward as quickly as possible, and that we
don't see any delays anymore just because the reviewer is not around.

However, I have not volunteered to do work such as recreating
registration forms that the previous reviewer wouldn't have done
if he had been around, and that I wouldn't have done if I had
been a reviewer at that time.

Also, I'm not ready to accept any registrations that I think are
incomplete, can easily be substantially improved, or do not address
reasonable comments on this mailing list, even if these registrations
have started quite some time ago.

Obviously, I cannot speak for Ned.

>I even prepared a disposition of comments on the 
>feedback.  There is no reason that I see to restart from scratch.

Looking through my mail archives (from the time I was just a
participant on this list, in no official function), I have found
some mails in the June 2005 timeframe entitled

IANA Character Set Registration Submittal - Disposition of comments
also archived at:

While this mail lists a series of filenames, neither the above
location nor my archive contain any of these files, while
earlier attachments from you got through in both places.

Also, the supposed "disposition of comments" looks like it
is just a summary statement (unless it was contained in the
missing files):

I have met face-to-face and/or contacted people by email/phone who posed questions on the IANA Character Set Registration submittal that I sent out on March 15, 2005.

As I explained to the people that responded, I followed the registration
guidelines and the few concerns that were expressed are not a serious
concern.  I was informed by most of those who provided feedback on the
registration submittal that they do not object to the registration submittal.

Given that I can find neither the actual files nor a point-by-point
disposition of comments, it's very difficult to judge, and even more so
to accept, any of the above. If there was a longer disposition of comments,
please resent it (or point to it in the archives).

Also, as I can't see the changes you may have made, it is difficult to
comment on anything, but simply judging from the above text, there
are two potential problems:

- As reviewers, we have to judge consensus, but this is difficult
  to do based just on a statement like "I talked to people, and
  they seem to be fine as is."
- Charset registrations are not just a bureaucratic procedure.
  Even if a concern is 'minor', if it can easily be addressed
  with a comment, it's best to do so. An example of this would
  be the comment from Reuel Robrigado
  (at http://mail.apps.ietf.org/ietf/charsets/msg01512.html).
  Just adding a comment about the typo in Nadine Kano's book
  will help all implementors a lot. Following the minimum
  registration procedures only may not be enough.

Looking through the archives, I also found the folowing from
you (January 2006, archived at

I am ready to pursue this when IANA is ready and when Paul Hoffman is ready
to iron out any pending issues to register Windows-874 and the rest of my

Well, it turned out that Paul got replaced by Ned and myself
just very recently. I very much hope you are ready to iron out the
pending issues with us, and I look forward to work with you on this.

What Ned and me want to make sure is that you get the two
week max turnaround that RFC 2978 mentions. What we can't
do is write the registration forms for you, or approve something
just because somebody else has left it lying around for more than a year.

With kind regards,     Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
#-#-#  http://www.sw.it.aoyama.ac.jp       mailto:duerst@it.aoyama.ac.jp