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Archives (was: Registration of Windows Charsets (Thai, Japanese, GBK, Korean,Big-5))

Martin Duerst wrote:

> I have found some mails in the June 2005 timeframe entitled

> IANA Character Set Registration Submittal - Disposition of comments
> also archived at:
> http://mail.apps.ietf.org/ietf/charsets/msg01522.html

> While this mail lists a series of filenames, neither the above
> location nor my archive contain any of these files, while
> earlier attachments from you got through in both places.

Probably some anti-spam magic at work.  The last state I'm
aware of was two months and two messages later:


That's supposed to be the same (raw = undecoded) as

With a newsreader you can grab it from

I didn't test the nntp URL.
