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Re: Windows Code Pages 932, 936, 949 and 950

> >> windows-932
> [...]
> >> windows-949
> >> windows-950
> >> Of course, MSIE does support those code pages, but the most commonly
> >> used names for those code pages in MSIE are shift_jis,
> [...]
> >> euc-kr and big5, respectively.
> These names are already registered, we can't use them for something
> _different_ outside of the "additional info" for 932, 949, and 950.
> How about csWindows-932, etc. ?  No other cs contains a hyphen, so
> maybe it's a bad idea.

No, my suggestion is that we reject the attempt to register
windows-932, windows-949 and windows-950. According to Shawn,
Microsoft wouldn't support those names even if they were registered.
(So we shouldn't register csWindows-932 either.)

It would be nice if Shawn and Mike Ksar could discuss this, reach some
sort of agreement, and then report back to this mailing list.
