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RE: Windows Code Pages 932, 936, 949 and 950

I should mention that these are names that we recognize for these code pages.  In some cases the mapping might be the closest we have, but not completely appropriate, in which case the names shouldn't be included as aliases in the charset doc.

- Shawn

-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:news@sea.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Frank Ellermann
Sent: Pōʻ, Nowemapa 07, 2006 9:03 AM
To: ietf-charsets@mail.apps.ietf.org
Subject: Re: Windows Code Pages 932, 936, 949 and 950

Shawn Steele wrote:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/shawnste/archive/2006/11/06/expected-names-of-microsoft-windows-ansi-code-pages-encodings.aspx
> They aren't as messy as I feared, many don't have aliases.

Thanks, that's interesting.  There are roughly two classes, some 
windows-nnnn, and three others:  shift-jis, gb2312, ks_c_5601-1987.

For the windows-nnnn we've in theory to check if they are already
listed under another name.  If not they can be listed or updated
as is.  Otherwise (already listed under another name) we can add
windows-nnnn as alias, ready, that part should be simple.

For the three others it could tricky if they are already listed
under these names with a different mapping.  Let's first finish
the simple windows-nnnn cases.  Apparently windows-1252 is almost
ready now.
