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Re: windows 936 - REMOVE ME PLEASE

Please remove from your list.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik van der Poel" <erikv@google.com>
To: "Shawn Steele" <Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com>
Cc: <ietf-charsets@mail.apps.ietf.org>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: windows 936

> Most of the Windows code pages are "supersets" of other standard sets.
> But rather than adding new charset names for these supersets, it might
> be better to add comments to the existing registrations to point out
> the relationships between the various sets.
> For example, the windows-936 registration might refer to the gb2312
> one, the windows-31j registration might refer to Windows Code Page 932
> and the Shift_JIS registration, the EUC-KR registration might refer to
> CP 949 and the Big5 registration to CP 950. All as informative
> references, rather than normative, I think.
> This promotes interoperability while avoiding the addition of more
> names and "virtual" aliases.
> Erik
> On 5/21/07, Shawn Steele <Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com> wrote:
>> I am looking at the registrations for the remaining 4 "system" code 
>> pages:
>> 932, 936, 949 & 950.  This seems complicated since IE uses other names 
>> for
>> them.
>> For example, for 936, IE recognizes Chinese, CN-GB, csGB2312, csGB231280,
>> csISO58GB231280, GB2312, GB2312-80, GB231280, GBK, GB_2312_80, iso-ir-58,
>> and, of course its known to the system as 936.
>> Our APIs report this code page as being "gb2312"
>> There is an existing registration for GBK, aliases of CP936, MS936 and
>> windows-936, but not of the gb2312 name.  The existing registration 
>> points
>> to broken links at Microsoft and IBM.  This should probably be updated to
>> point to:
>> http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/dbcs/936.mspx
>> http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP936.TXT
>> and
>> http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WindowsBestFit/bestfit936.txt
>> I am a bit uncertain that GBK == 936, although this is what the existing
>> registration implies.
>> The alternative solution would seem to be to register a new charset as
>> "windows-936" with the same additional aliases as the GBK registration 
>> and
>> point to the above tables.  This would then also lead to the question of
>> whether GBK and gb2312 should be listed as aliases for any such 
>> windows-936
>> code page although the interpretation of those aliases could differ for
>> other systems.
>> My goal is to clarify the Microsoft system code page mappings such as for
>> 932, 936, 949 & 950, and I'd appreciate any suggestions about how to best 
>> do
>> that J
>> Thanks,
>> - Shawn
>> Shawn Steele
>> SDE
>> Windows International
>> Microsoft