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RE: Registration of new charset CP50220

50220, 50221 & 50222 are all very closely related.  The "only" difference is in how they handle (or don't) halfwidth katakana.  On windows (which I assume is the interesting case since this is a windows code page) the difference is whether the encode or halfwidth katakana, and how.  Decoding is identical (which might be most interesting for users of tagged content).  


-----Original Message-----
From: NARUSE, Yui [mailto:naruse@airemix.jp] 
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 2:08 AM
To: ietf-charsets
Subject: Re: Registration of new charset CP50220


I updated the proposal of CP50220 as Martin's point for CP51932.


Charset name: CP50220

Charset aliases: csCP50220

Suitability for use in MIME text:

  Yes, CP50220 is suitable for use with subtypes of the "text" Content-Type.

  Since the "CP50220" is 7bit encoding, Content-Transfer-Encoding is not needed.
  Based64 or Quoted-Printable encoding MAY break this encoding.

Published specification(s):

  CP50220 is consisted by following character sets:

    reg#  character set       ESC sequence  designated to
    6     US-ASCII            ESC ( B       G0
    13    JIS X 0201-Katakana ESC ( I       G0
    14    JIS X 0201-Roman    ESC ( J       G0
    42    JIS X 0208-1978     ESC $ @       G0
    87    JIS X 0208-1983     ESC $ B       G0

  * The beggining of a text is assumed to have "ESC ( B ESC ) I".
  * Each line of CP50220 text MUST end with ASCII.
  * On receiving JIS X 0201-Katakana characters MAY be encoded
    with the escape sequence: ESC ( I.
  * On sending JIS X 0201-Katakana, it MUST be converted to related
    character of JIS X 0208.
  * The character set of CP50220 is based on Windows Codepage 932.
    So a meaning and a map to Unicode of each character is refer to it.

ISO 10646 equivalency table:

  This charset is ISO/IEC 2022 family.
  Conversion of each character refers Windows Codepage 932:

Additional information:

  CP50220 is a variant of ISO-2022-JP (like Windows-31J and Shift_JIS).
  this charset is different from ISO-2022-JP in:
    * CP50220 supports JIS X 0201-Katakana
    * CP50220 supports characters extended by Windows Codepage 932
      (NEC special characters and NEC selection of IBM extensions)
    * Unicode mapping of some characters are different

  Typical user of CP50220 is web browsers. When web browsers load
  a page which are declared or auto-detected as "ISO-2022-JP", they
  don't interpret it as true ISO-2022-JP registerd in IANA Character
  Sets but as CP50220. When they post form data as "ISO-2022-JP",
  the data is also encoded as CP50220. Note that though csISO2022JP
  is alias of ISO-2022-JP in IANA Character Sets, on Windows it means
  neither registered ISO-2022-JP nor CP50220 but means CP50221.

  The name "CP50220" is in use following applications:
    * Citrus iconv (NetBSD and DragonFly uses this)
    * Mojikan http://www.mirai-ii.co.jp/moji/mojikan/
    * nkf 2.0.5
    * Encode-EUCJPMS-0.06

  Moreover applications which uses MLang.DLL or .NET Framework for
  converting "ISO-2022-JP" implicitly uses this charset.

  Why the name is not "Windows-50220" is some of applications which accept
  the name "CP50220" don't support the name "Windows-50220".

  CP50220 is for use of communicating with legacy system.
  UTF-8 is preferred to CP50220 for new system.

  Related references are:

    "Remarks" of "GetEncodings Method" of "System.Text"

    "Introduction to JIS X0213 Implementation based on Unicode -
     A new Japanese Language Processing Environment for Information Systems",
    Nikkei BP Soft Press, ISBN 978-4891006082, 2008, pp. 17-18, 20, 120-158 (in Japanese)

    CP50220 - Legacy Encoding Project

  This charset is also known as Windows Codepage 50220.

Person & email address to contact for further information:

  Email: naruse@ruby-lang.org

Intended usage: LIMITED USE

NARUSE, Yui  <naruse@airemix.jp>