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Re: shift_jis / windows-31J

On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:33:42 +0100, Shawn Steele  
<Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Well, that saves me looking at the MLang source :).  But whichever name  
> you used to get the encoding/code page, we'd still call 932 "shift_jis"  
> when you asked for the web name, so your asp.net server would say a page  
> was shift_jis.  W3C is getting around that with the variations for  
> HTML5, but that doesn't help other applications, MIME, random documents,  
> etc. :(

Ideally we put the HTML5 mapping in the registry instead. And have some  
kind of "compatible with the web/windows" profile that will give you that  
variation if people are not willing to just make it the default for  

Anne van Kesteren