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Re: Are charset names supposed to be case sensitive?


No - you make a compelling point, Bjoern.

Leif - I'd like to see every use of 'unicode' in that registration
which means "the Microsoft specification or usage or 'unicode'
as a charset tag" be explicitly rewritten to instead say, e.g.,
"the MS 'unicode' charset" to very clearly distinguish it from
the Unicode/ISO10646 character set and UTF-x encodings.

When I read your current text, the sense of "which unicode"
wanders from paragraph to paragraph (for me).

- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WG
Secretary - IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group
Co-Chair - TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG
Chair - TCG Embedded Systems Hardcopy SG
IETF Designated Expert - IPP & Printer MIB
Blue Roof Music/High North Inc
Winter  579 Park Place  Saline, MI  48176  734-944-0094
Summer  PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839  906-494-2434

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Bjoern Hoehrmann <derhoermi@gmx.net> wrote:
* Ira McDonald wrote:
>I'm very uncomfortable about registering (in whatever case)
>'unicode' as a deprecated limited use charset name for some
>flavor of UTF-16 (just the BMP?).
>This has great potential to add confusion to an already confused
>situation, IMHO.

Would you rather say nothing about 'unicode' than saying "This was a
very bad idea, don't do anything like it ever again" in the registry?
Björn Höhrmann · mailto:bjoern@hoehrmann.de · http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 · http://www.bjoernsworld.de
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